Pre-Course Counselling

Pre-Course Counselling



College, Course Information, Course Application

1. About DIMENSIONS International Collegelocation and general description of the facilities and infrastructure

2. Course Information

3. Course Application requirements and process / Student’s Pass application requirements and procedures
Note: The approval of student’s pass application is dependent on ICA Singapore. DIMENSIONS DOES NOT GUARANTEE any success rate of approval.

For more information, please visit ICA website at


Fee Protection Scheme, Fee Structure / Payment Mode, Advisory Note and Student Contract Clauses

1. Fee Protection Scheme (FPS) adopted by DIMENSIONS – A Copy of FPS information sheet is given to prospective studentsheet is given to prospective student

2. Fee Structure and Payment Modes Types of Fee and Payment Modes

3. Advisory Note & Student Contract Clauses – A copy of PEI-Student Contract Important Pointers list is given to prospective student


Transfer, Withdrawal and Refund Policies and Procedures

1. Transfer Policy and Procedure – A copy of Transfer Policy is given to prospective student

2. Withdrawal Policy and Procedure – A copy of Withdrawal Policy is given to prospective student

3. Refund Policy and Procedure – A copy of Refund Policy is given to prospective student


Student Support Services, Medical Insurance, Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedure

1. Student Support Srvices

2. Medical Insurance

3. Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedure


Relevant Singapore Laws for International Students, Living in Singapore, General Healthcare

1. Relevant Singapore Laws

2. Living In Singapore

3. General Healthcare in Singapore

Applicant may submit Singapore Permanent Residency (PR)/Singapore Citizenship (SC)application to ICA for their consideration. The approval of application is dependent on ICA Singapore. DIMENSIONS DOES NOT GUARANTEE any success rate of approval.

For more information, please visit ICA website at


DIMENSIONS Contact Details

1. Contact Details

2. School Location Map


Please click here to download the confirmation of pre-course counselling form.