News & Announcements

DIMENSIONS Holds A Science Fair

DIMENSIONS Holds A Science Fair

Science is a study of the world and should never be boring! Ever wondered how gravity gets its pull? Or, how flowers bloom one day and then turn into fruits after? Through research and experiments, science will have an explanation for you. By understanding how the world works, we can continue advancing our technology and make the planet a better home for everyone.

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Tips for Improving Reading Comprehension

Tips for Improving Reading Comprehension

Struggling with reading comprehension can feel overwhelming. You can re-read a paragraph repeatedly and still not grasp what you are reading. You can improve your reading comprehension by using these tips to make your reading sessions easier and more enjoyable.

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Unveiling Our New Orchard Campus

Unveiling Our New Orchard Campus

We’re excited to share that DIMENSIONS Primary School has a new campus now at Orchard! This newly furbished campus hosts state-of-the-art facilities that will bolster your child’s education journey. The campus spans 32,000 square feet and is a fully sheltered walk away from Somerset MRT station.

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Happy Deepavali To All Our Friends

Happy Deepavali To All Our Friends

What a blast our students had celebrating Deepavali in their colourful ethnic costumes, learning about and appreciating the traditions of the Festival of Lights!

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Difference Between Psychiatrists and Psychologists

Difference Between Psychiatrists and Psychologists

Are you often confused between the terms Psychiatrist and Psychologist? Both psychiatrists and psychologists treat mental health issues and behavioural disorders, and are trained to provide psychotherapy, but there are some key differences between the two professions.

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5 Benefits of Eating Healthy

5 Benefits of Eating Healthy

Have you ever ended an intense study session feeling really hungry? That’s normal because thinking causes big fluctuations in your glucose levels, which leads to feelings of hunger. If you do decide to reach for a snack, you should pick something that is healthy for you, and here are five reasons why.

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We Received 80 Offer Letters to Local Schools

We Received 80 Offer Letters to Local Schools

We are proud to announce that our students have once again made huge strides in their studies! Congrats to all students who received offers of admission to local institutions through the Admissions Exercise for International Students (AEIS) this year!

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400 students gained admission to MOE schools

400 students gained admission to MOE schools

We are so pleased to share that from 2019 to April 2022, 400 students from DIMENSIONS gained admission to local government primary schools and secondary schools! We have our immensely dedicated teachers to thank for this achievement. They continue to uphold our values of excellence and strive to hone their teaching abilities with each cohort.

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4 Oral Exam Tips To Improve Your Results

4 Oral Exam Tips To Improve Your Results

Oral examinations are daunting as the reading portion requires the ability to sound out difficult words, while the conversation portion demands not only eloquence, but also quick thinking when it comes to answering questions on the spot.

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Stellar IGCSE Results 2022

Stellar IGCSE Results 2022

Once again, our students have done us proud by achieving excellent results of 4A*s and above for the Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) exams! Their wonderful performance is owed to giving their all when studying for their exams. Truly a testament to their unyielding nature and never-say-quit attitude!

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