Student Services

Student Support Services
Student Welfare
Counselling Services

At DIMENSIONS International College, each and every student is equally significant. While education acts as the main responsibility here, the student welfare is just as important. This involves our caring concern with their overall well-being, aiding students to integrate their studies with other aspects of life. We provide them with opportunities to derive enjoyment from their learning journey.


Student Support Services

The challenge of any educational institution is to provide an environment that is conducive for learning. Students are better poised for learning when they are healthy of mind and body, when they know that their care is ensured and are happy where they are because of the support at hand.


Many of our students have moved from other countries and we have seen the need to create our own unique culture within the College through a developmental process that integrates our established core values of dedication, accountability, reliability and enterprise into the daily fabric of our school.


How do we get students to learn effectively and at the same time inculcate in them positive attitudes and behaviours? These are goals that have long been shared by teachers, student support service staff and parents. Providing them a favourable environment that allows them to learn and grow into educated, cultured, well-rounded persons with an inquiring mind will be our challenge for all students at DIMENSIONS.


Our Student Service team was set up to create a positive learning and living environment and instil values, build a harmonious and co-operative student community. Students will be given as much guidance as possible in the areas of academic and learning pursuits. Student Service executives are also equipped to respond to local healthcare issues and handle other such services as needed.


Student welfare is therefore, part of our service mission to our students.

DIMENSIONS’ support staff, recruitment agents and overseas officers have been tasked with providing consistent and leading industry best practices at all levels of education support to all students.


Pre-course Counselling
At the pre-course counselling session, prospective student’s needs and capabilities are individually assessed by our Customer Service Executives and/or recruitment agent to determine the suitability of course. Tailored solutions are then proposed to ensure effective and fruitful learning outcomes for the student. All staff providing such services have been trained and are aware of the significance of their recommendations in relation to the ambitions of prospective students.


Orientation Programme
To help our incipient students adjust to campus life and what it is like to live in Singapore, we hold an orientation programme for every new cohort of students. In the programme, we highlight the non-academic aspects of their student stay as a DIMENSIONS student and the DOs and DON’Ts of living in Singapore. We encourage students to mix and socialize with other students from different countries to learn from each other their cultures and practices of their homeland, to make this a holistic educational experience for all.


Induction Programme
Heads of Department will use the occasion to brief new students by providing a perspective of the course they have signed up for, what is expected of them and what they in turn can expect of the faculty and the college, what kind of programme contents will be covered in the course including syllabus details. Induction programmes are normally conducted in the first week of course commencement.


Pastoral Counselling
Besides looking after the educational needs of students, DIMENSIONS also provide pastoral counselling for students. This is held twice a week for those seek support in handling the stress of studying, socializing and living in a foreign land away from their family. Other pastoral counselling services which we provide include:

  • Providing emotional support for students to help them cope with mental stress relating to a new environment or course demands.
  • Implementing programmes to create a culture and climate of care, trust and friendliness that to encourage good student attendance and involvement.
  • Providing academic or study counselling for students in the pre and post exam period to reassure students to give of their best, and that they have what it takes to make the grades.