Student Policies and Procedure

Transfer, Withdrawal and Deferment
Refund Policy

Refund Policy (reference to Standard PEI-Student Contract Version 3.1)

Refund for Withdrawal Due to Non-Delivery of Course:

DIMENSIONS shall notify the Student within three (3) working days upon knowledge of any of the following:

(i) DIMENSIONS does not commence the Course on the Course Commencement Date;
(ii) DIMENSIONS terminates the Course before the Course Commencement Date;
(iii) DIMENSIONS does not complete the Course by the Course Completion Date;
(iv) DIMENSIONS terminates the Course before the Course Completion Date;
(v) DIMENSIONS has not ensured that the Student meets the Course entry or matriculation requirement as set by the organisation stated in Course Details within any stipulated timeline set by SSG/CPE; or
(vi) The Student’s Pass application is rejected by Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA).

The Student should be informed in writing of alternative study arrangements (if any), and also be entitled to a refund of the entire Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees already paid should the Student decide to withdraw, within seven (7) working days of the above notice.

Refund for Withdrawal Due to Other Reasons:

If the Student withdraws from the Course for any reason other than those stated in (i) to (vi), DIMENSIONS will, within seven (7) working days of receiving the Student’s written notice of withdrawal, refund to the Student an amount based on the refund table.

Refund Table:


% of [the amount of the Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees paid] If Student’s written notice of withdrawal is received
70% More than 30 days before the Course Commencement Date
50% Before, but not more than 30 days before the Course Commencement Date
30% After, but not more than 7 days after the Course Commencement Date
0% More than 7 days after the Course Commencement Date


Refund During Cooling-Off Period:

DIMENSIONS will provide the Student with a cooling-off period of seven (7) working days after the date that the Contract has been signed by both parties.

The Student will be refunded the highest percentage (stated in Refund Table) of the fees already paid if the Student submits a written notice of withdrawal to the DIMENSIONS within the cooling-off period, regardless of whether the Student has started the Course or not.



  • DIMENSIONS reserves the rights to terminate the class, if the number of students enrolled in the class is less than 10 students.
  •  The following payments are non-refundable and non-transferable:
    • Course application fee
    • ICA processing and Student’s Pass Fee
    • Miscellaneous fees (non-compulsory fee)
  • Bank charges (if applicable) are to be borne by student.
  • Calendar days is used in the Refund Table.
  • There will be no refund of course fee and miscellaneous fee in the event of withdrawal initiated by DIMENSIONS due to a student (refer to course withdrawal policy):
    • is absent for more than 60 calendar days without a valid reason.
    • fails to make required payments within 30 calendar days from the payment due date.
    • fails to report to the College within 30 days from the course commencement date.
    • is dismissed by DIMENSIONS due to attendance and/or behavioural issues.
    • fails to return to study after the end of the deferment period.
Refund Procedure

Dispute Resolution Policy

It would be useful to know that DIMENSIONS has established a documented close-loop feedback and complaint management system in place to gather and address all feedback or complaints received (either from the public, staff or students).


Student disputes may arise from any aspect of a student’s educational experience at the College which they believe to be unfair, unjust or unreasonable. Feedback or complaints relating to academic results will be dealt with according to the Result Appeal policy and procedure instead of dispute resolution.


If you have any grievances disputes or appeals, we have staff specially assigned to manage your welfare, including the handling of your feedback according to our procedures.



to resolve all Feedback & Complaints

If the complaint is not resolved amicably within our committed period, you may choose to channel your concerns to Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC), Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb) or the Small Claims Tribunal for mediation.


Dispute Resolution Procedure

Here are the steps to be undertaken if you would like to reach a dispute resolution:

Step 1:

You can submit your feedback and complaints formally via complaint forms; which will be directed to the Customer Services(CS) / Student Admissions and Affairs (SAA) staff on the same day. The CS/SAA will analyse all feedback received and provide a solution with appropriate action within same day.


Step 2:

If the dispute is unresolved, CS/SAA will raise/re-review the case with Management Team. The CS/SAA team will take appropriate action to resolve the dispute within 21 working days. If the dispute is not resolved within 21 working days, either party may channel the dispute to SMC, SIArb or Small Claims Tribunal for mediation.


Step 3:

If the solution rendered was satisfactory, the CS/SAA will file a record for management review on continual improvement.


Click here to download Student Feedback & Complaint Form

Transfer Policy and Procedure

Transfer Policy

  1. Course Transfer refers to students’ change of course or period of study (from full-time to part-time or vice versa) but remains as a student of DIMENSIONS.
  2. DIMENSIONS will provide pre-course counselling for the intended course transfer.
  3. Student’s request for course transfer can only be processed upon receipt of the duly completed Course Transfer Request Form and confirmation that the student meets the entry requirements of the new course. If the student is below the age of 18, written consent from a parent or guardian is required.
  4. Courses offered in collaboration with External Academic Partner (EAP) are subject to the policies and regulations governed by the respective EAP, which is outside the purview of DIMENSIONS.
  5. The refund policy shall apply as outlined in DIMENSIONS’ Refund Policy. Students are required to submit the refund request form to initiate the refund process, where applicable.
  6. Once the course transfer process is completed, the previous course will be withdrawn and the FPS for course fee paid will be considered as cancelled. The course fee paid for the new course will be protected under the FPSGI.
  7. DIMENSIONS will take a maximum of 4 weeks to effect the course transfer.
  8. For Student’s Pass holder, new course commencement is subject to ICA’s approval of the new Student’s Pass.
  9. In the event if the application pertaining to transfer is rejected by ICA, the student is required to cancel his current Student’s Pass within 7 days.

Click here to download Transfer Request Form.


Transfer Procedure


  1. DIMENSIONS will take a maximum of 4 weeks to reply in formal letter to effect the course transfer, subject to the ICA Approval (if applicable).
  2. If refund is applicable, the standard College refund policy shall apply unless otherwise agreed between DIMENSIONS and the student.
  3. In the event where request is rejected, the student may choose to continue with current course or withdraw from it. For withdrawal, refer to Course Withdrawal Procedures.
  4. It is mandatory to obtain the parent’s/legal guardian’s written consent if student is under 18 years of age.
Withdrawal Policy and Procedure

Withdrawal Policy

  1. Course Withdrawal refers to students’ course discontinuation with DIMENSIONS.
  2. Withdrawal requests for courses awarded by DIMENSIONS are subject to DIMENSIONS’ approval. For courses awarded by External Academic Partner (EAP), withdrawal requests are subject to the withdrawal policy of the respective EAP.
  3. Course withdrawal will be initiated by DIMENSIONS if a student:
    • is absent for more than 60 calendar days without a valid reason.
    • fails to make the required payment within 30 calendar days from the payment due date.
    • fails to report to the College within 30 days from the course commencement date.
    • is dismissed by DIMENSIONS due to attendance and/or behavioural issues.
  4. Students’ request for course withdrawal can only be processed upon receipt of the Course Withdrawal Request Form. If the student is below the age of 18, consent from the parent or guardian is required.
  5. The relevant refund policy shall apply as outlined in DIMESNIONS’ Refund Policy. The student who made the request is required to submit the refund request form to initiate the refund process.
  6. DIMENSIONS will take a maximum of 4 weeks to complete the course withdrawal process.
  7. Upon receiving the withdrawal notification, the student’s enrolment and the FPS will be considered as cancelled. For Student’s Pass holder, DIMENSIONS will cancel the Student’s Pass with ICA accordingly.

Click here to download Withdrawal Request Form.


Withdrawal Procedure


  1. DIMENSIONS will take a maximum 4 weeks to effect the course withdrawal.
  2. If refund is applicable, the standard College refund policy shall apply unless otherwise agreed between DIMENSIONS and the student.
  3. Student’s Pass holder who withdraws from DIMENSIONS’ course to transfer to other PEI, upon receipt of request on SOLAR+ system within 7 days, DIMENSIONS will submit past attendance record to ICA.
  4. It is mandatory to obtain the parent’s/legal guardian’s written consent if student is under 18 years of age.
Course Deferment Policies and Procedure

Deferment Policy

  1. Course Deferment refers to students’ request for postponement of the course or semester commencement.
  2. Deferment is usually approved for following circumstances:
    • Medical leave for 2 weeks or more;
    • Reservist for 2 weeks or more;
    • Overseas business projects or assignments;
    • Case-by-case basis subject to approval by DIMENSIONS.
  3. The request for course deferment will be initiated by the students by submitting the duly completed Application for Course Deferment form with supporting documentary evidence and the payment for course deferment fee before the commencement of the course or semester.
  4. If the student is below the age of 18, consent from the parent or guardian is required.
  5. Students are allowed to apply for deferment once per course, for a maximum deferment period of one (1) year and shall not exceed maximum candidature period.
  6. Approval for the course deferment is at the sole discretion of DIMENSIONS. For programme awarded by External Academic Partner (EAP), final approval lies with the EAP.
  7. Upon approval, the students who made the request for postponement of course commencement, are required to sign the Notice of Cancellation of Agreement and sign a new Standard PEI Student Contract.
  8. For Students’ Pass holders, the extension of the Student’s Pass validity is subject to approval by the ICA. In the event if the extension of the Student’s Pass is rejected by ICA, DIMENSIONS will not be held responsible.
  9. DIMENSIONS does not guarantee the relevant course/ module will be run upon the students’ return.

Click here to download Deferment Request Form.


Deferment Procedure


  1. It is mandatory to obtain the parent’s/legal guardian’s written consent if student is under 18 years of age.
Appeal Procedure for Internal Results

Note: Moderation fee will be charged for appeal and such fee may be refunded to the student if the grading is found to be incorrect.

Appeal Procedure for External Results

Note: Moderation fee will be charged for appeal and such fee may be refunded to the student if the grading is found to be incorrect.