Learning is a life-long journey, and it certainly should not stop even during the pandemic. Rather than letting their career goals take a backseat during this period, many people are seizing the opportunity to go back to school to acquire new competencies that can improve and transform their future.
Our part-time programme is designed to cater to busy professionals who have to juggle their career and their studies. So, for those who wish to become qualified for more rewarding roles and responsibilities in the workforce, a Strathclyde MBA holds unquestionable real-world value. Its triple crown accreditation means that employers around the world recognise Strathclyde graduates as a cut above those from the thousands of other business schools – proven to have met the gold standard in teaching, learning outcomes, employability, and career development.
Find out more at https://program.dimensions.edu.sg/strathclyde_05556875/
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