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Studying can be daunting, especially when it seems like the curriculum is never-ending, and there are endless topics to revise. We have just the thing for you! It all starts with managing your time better to not only plan out your studying schedule, but to manage your expectations before diving into the textbooks. Here are our top 5 time management tips to help in your academic journey.  


1. Write a to-do list


Firstly, you must plan out what topics you will be tackling that day. As the saying goes, “fail to plan, plan to fail”. This applies to studying as well. Biting off more than you can chew can easily overwhelm you and discourage you from improving your studies. As such, work out the number of subjects and topics you will be covering and write it down, so you have a concrete plan.


2. Prioritise your work constantly


When studying, there are always topics or subjects that you are weaker at. In those cases, you should prioritise those problem points so that you can catch up and improve steadily.


3. Find a dedicated study space and time


Your environment and ideal studying time are all subjective to you. Everyone works differently, and these two factors are no different. Try different variations of study locations e.g. at home, at school, at the library, etc., and different studying times e.g. morning, afternoon, or at night to find the combination that suits you the most.


4. Work out your optimum study method


Some people work best visually, others prefer audio. Your study method should cater to how you absorb and retain information the best. As always, one study method that works for another will not necessarily work for you. As such, you should try different methods out and figure out what works best for you.


5. Be realistic about the time you spend studying


“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Balancing other aspects of your life with studying is key to a holistic development. Thinking that studying for longer periods equals better results is a common misconception. Most of the time, you will lose focus after a certain duration and that is normal. Which is why you have to be realistic about how much time you can spend studying to achieve optimum results and improvement.  



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