International Students

Why Study in Singapore
Living in Singapore
Student's Pass Application



A Unique City / The World’s Meeting Point

Singapore is where East meets West. We are the meeting point of the world and studying in Singapore puts you right at the heart of a unique learning experience where there is a blend of social, cultural and educational mix unlike anywhere else in the world. It offers you the sophistication of modern living as well as the richness of an Asian Heritage.

Singapore is truly a vibrant cosmopolitan country. Indeed, with its people and lifestyle, economy, attractions, arts and sports scenes and its reputation as a gourmet paradise, there is simply no excuse not to make Singapore your one experience of a life time!



All Races, One Nation

Singapore is a multi-racial and a multi-religious nation. You will find a diverse population of Chinese, Malay, Indians, Eurasians and other races all living in harmony. This unusual synergistic mix of ethnic groups offers international students a wide spectrum of choices for fun and living in Singapore.



Education System

Our education system has evolved over the years, from its traditional British-based education system to one that meets the demands of the new millennium world and the ever changing needs of individuals as we marathon on to nurture talents.
The strength of the Singapore education system lies in its bilingual policy and its broad-based curriculum gives creativity and entrepreneurship premium emphasis to meet the needs of the national economy.



Vibrant Lifestyle

Whether it’s shopping, dining, out for some fun, Singapore is a literal hive of activity. Take a walk along Orchard Road, the city centre – and you will find yourself inundated with choices and options as the wide range of shops confront and tempt you to make them your purchasing choice.


The array of organised events lined up throughout the year will mesmerise you – musical and cultural, business and leisure, sporting and relaxing ones, too! … all out to tempt and thrill you. The ever popular and iconic Great Singapore Sale, late-night Friday shopping, the Singapore Arts festival and festive light-ups are but some of the highlights that make life so exciting here.


Getting around in Singapore is easy with an integrated transport system and makes travelling in the city and suburbs a quick, easy and also affordable affair.


Note: The approval of student’s pass application is dependent on ICA Singapore. DIMENSIONS DOES NOT GUARANTEE any success rate of approval.


For more information, please visit ICA website at




Singapore’s statistics and indicators on population (2010 census) show a population of 5.07 million (estimated) and hold up Singapore as the second most densely populated independent nation in the world. The ethnic composition of resident population (estimate only) in Singapore shows:


Chinese: 75%
Malays: 13%
Indians: 9%
Others: 3%




Although the official national language of Singapore is Malay, English is the main working language and Chinese (Mandarin) is the second most commonly used language especially in small and medium enterprises. Tamil is spoken largely within the Indian community though it is not uncommon to hear Indian Singaporeans speaking English and Malay with fluency. The four official languages of Singapore are Malay, English, Chinese (Mandarin) and Tamil.




Singapore generally allows for religious freedom. The majority of Muslims are Malays. A major portion of Chinese Singaporeans practise Buddhism and Taoism, though there are many who also practise Christianity. Indians are mostly Hindus though some are Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists and Christians. People who practise no religion form the third largest group in Singapore (about 15% of resident population aged 15 years and over).



Shopping, Entertainment & Leisure

Whether it’s shopping, dining, or just out for some fun, Singapore is a literal hive of activity. Take a walk along Orchard Road, the heart of the city – and you will find yourself inundated with choices and options as sales and promotion staff go all out to tempt and cajole you to buy their products or patronise their stores with specials and discounts.


The array of organised events lined up throughout the year will mesmerise you – musical and cultural, business and leisure, sports like F1 race, marathon runs and kite flying day, too! … all out to engage and thrill you. The ever popular and iconic Great Singapore Sale, late-night Friday shopping, the Singapore Arts festival and festive light-ups are but some of the highlights that make life so exciting here.


When you tire of the shopping and the buzz, you can always take in quiet visits to any of our other attractions like the Zoo, Night Safari, Bird Park, Sentosa, Museums, Art Galleries, or a performance at the Esplanade.


And to add a buzz to the buzz, we still have the two Integrated Resorts in Marina Bay Sands and Resort World Sentosa where more dining and entertainment options are available. There is never a dull moment when you are here.




Singapore has no threat of any natural disaster like earthquake or tornado. The country continues to be known for its safe environment, but this is only tenable with the cooperation of the public and the police working in tandem to make safety a viable nation concern.




Our education system has evolved over the years, from its traditional British-based education system to one that meets the demands of the new millennium world and the ever changing needs of individuals for new knowledge as we marathon-on to nurture talents in Singapore.


The Singapore education system is built on its bilingual policy, and its broad-based curriculum gives knowledge, creativity and entrepreneurship premium emphasis to meet the needs of the ever evolving national economy.




Getting around in Singapore is easy with an integrated transport system. It is well connected and makes travelling in the city and suburbs a quick, easy and also affordable affair.



Social Graces

It is a norm of courtesy to queue up for everything in Singapore, from boarding a public bus to patronizing a service like watching a movie. It is considered impolite to jump queue or push ahead of the person queuing before you.


Punctuality is also very important, whether it is in Singapore or not. Being punctual is a personal trait that, if developed into a habit will set you in good eyes with people who may be important to you, like your bosses!


Tipping is not required as there is normally a service charge of 10% added to your bill.




Singapore is generally hot and humid all year round with the temperature seldom dipping below 20°C. You’ll get the occasional rain and strong wind condition especially during the year end period. However, the humidity problem in Singapore is easily overcome. Most buildings in Singapore are air-conditioned.


Singapore is, on the other hand, an ideal place for outdoor lovers who will enjoy frolicking on the beach and some of the sea-sports like skiing and wake-boarding. Or do a family thing by going bicycling or even just to fly a kite! It is ideal for a whole year round of fun outdoor activities.




Singapore has become a hub for many of its services – medical, banking, tourism, education and financial services. She is one of the world’s major oil refining and distribution centres, one of the world’s busiest ports and an ideal location for investments for both institutional and independent investors. And tourism is a major component in its GDP.


Singapore’s strategic location, good governance, high IT connectivity, integrated facilities, colourful cultural contrasts and its many world-class tourist attractions contribute to its success as a leading Asian destination for business and leisure.


Estimated Living Expenses

Below is an estimated monthly living expense list for one international student:

Items Costs
Accommodation Cost About S$500
Food Expenses About S$250
Transport Fees About S$100
Personal Expenses About S$150
Total Cost About S$1000

Note: The figures may vary depending on the individual’s lifestyle/preferences.



Goods and Services Tax (GST)

A 7% GST is charged on all goods and services




Tipping is not required as there is normally a service charge of 10% charged into the bill



For More About Singapore

To learn more about Singapore, its history and culture, please visit:


Note: Applicant may submit Singapore Permanent Residency (PR)/Singapore Citizenship (SC) application to ICA for their consideration. The approval of application is dependent on ICA Singapore. DIMENSIONS DOES NOT GUARANTEE any success rate of approval.


For more information, please visit ICA website at


International Students must obtain a valid Student’s Pass (STP) issued by the Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA), before they can commence their course.



Student’s Pass Application

  • Students are required to complete all items in ICA Forms 16 & V36 and submit to DIMENSIONS for onward submission to ICA through the student’s pass on-line application system (SOLAR+ System)
  • A Processing Fee of $30 is required for each application submitted to ICA. The processing fee is non-refundable regardless of the outcome of the STP application or if the STP application is withdrawn after submission
  • ICA will take up to 14 days to process each STP application.


In-Principal Approval (IPA) by ICA

  • Once ICA approves your STP application, you will receive an In-Principle Approval (IPA) letter through DIMENSIONS.
  • For international students who require a VISA to enter Singapore, the IPA letter will incorporate a single-entry VISA for the student.
  • The IPA letter and the VISA will only be released to the international students, upon receipt of the signed Standard PEI-Student Contract and payment of course fees.


Collection of Student’s Pass at ICA

  • Upon your arrival in Singapore, DIMENSIONS will make arrangements to collect your Student’s Pass from ICA. Note that the Student’s Pass will only be issued no earlier than one month before the course commencement date.
  • DIMENSIONS will make arrangements for students to do a medical checkup and obtain the medical report
  • International Students are required to furnish the following documents for collection of student’s pass:
    • Your valid Passport
    • A photocopy of your Passport particulars page
    • Your Disembarkation/Embarkation card (white card).
    • 1 recent color passport-size photograph (taken on white background)
    • The printout from the SOLAR+ System (duly signed by the students)
    • A copy of the IPA letter and
    • The medical report
  • A $60 STP issuance fee and a further $30 for multiple-entry visa (if applicable) is payable when collecting your student’s pass.


Student’s Pass Application Procedure

Note: The approval of student’s pass application is dependent on ICA Singapore. DIMENSIONS DOES NOT GUARANTEE any success rate of approval.


For more information, please visit ICA website at