Medical Insurance Coverage

DIMENSIONS shall provide all full-time students aged 7 and above with the required medical insurance coverage on hospitalization and related medical treatment for the entire course duration which is inclusive of the Industrial Attachment (IA) period. The coverage under the medical insurance policy as per arrangement with Liberty Insurance Pte Ltd is as follow:

  • Annual overall limit of S$20,000 per student;
  • B1 ward (in government and restructured hospitals); and
  • 24 hours coverage in Singapore and overseas (if student is involved in school-related activities).

Medical Insurance is not applicable to part-time students and students taking courses with duration of not more than one month or 50 hours.

A Singapore Citizen/PR or a non- student’s pass international student who is protected by his/her own medical insurance coverage in Singapore can opt out from the medical insurance scheme with a proof of valid Medical Insurance Plan given to DIMENSIONS.

Click here for Group Medical Insurance Certificate 2024

Click here for Product Summary and Frequently Asked Questions

Click here for Claim Form on Group Hospital & Surgical Student Medical Insurance